Monday, December 10, 2007

Sometimes it's nice to have breakfast for dinner

I decided I wanted to make pannekoeken for dinner. For those of you that have never been to De Dutch Pannekoek House (play the music), a pannekoek is kind of like a crêpe in that it is much larger and thinner than the pancakes we know. They are topped with savory or sweet toppings, like ham and cheese, or nutella. They are also served with stroop which is a thick, sweet, molasses-like syrup.

On my way home from work I picked up the necessary ingredients (pannekoek mix, eggs, cheese, ham) and headed home to start panne-cookin'. When I was one block from my house, my groceries (that were hanging off my handlebars) got caught in the front spokes of my bicycle, and abruptly stopped! I was luckily going slow enough that I didn't fly over the handlebars.

I looked down to see what's happened, just as a puff of pannekoek mix settled. There was egg yolk dripping through the bag – which now had a collection of holes in it – onto the sidewalk. I decided it was probably safest to walk the rest of the way home.

Here's the damage:

My bicycle wheel destroyed this carton of eggs. I don't even know where the part of the carton that was torn off went. You might think five eggs were broken, but it was actually only three. Eggs here come in sixes and tens – not a dozen. (Small fridges, remember?)

It also ripped into this box of pannekoek mix. Luckily the mix was in a bag inside this box. Unluckily the pressure of my bicycle spokes caused both ends of said bag to burst open.

But not everything was destroyed. Luckily the Kerstboom-shaped cheese I bought survived relatively unharmed. (This was the only item I really cared about anyways.)

Despite all the adversity, I still managed to whip this up:

Holiday Pannekoek.

PS: I learned to not do that again.


3 Column Grid said...

Young Grace! Get thee some canvas shopping bags!

Anonymous said...

Hi Grace
Just busy working lots with IHA and think I am on call on christmas holidays. I think we all should be off on those days Christmas day and boxing day. I have a crabby 99yr old to deal with this weekend yek we do not get along and I think i will put a do not send me to her and tell my boss that. We just do not get along with each other. Well we are getting a bit of snow but not lots just flurries. have a good holidays and Merry Christmas Grace and Ross take care of your self much love from kathie and jake

Megatron said...

I love the cheese!!