Sunday, December 2, 2007

Grace Speaks Dutch?

No, no I sure don't. But I am committed to studying.

I found this site, Laura Speaks Dutch that full of themed, five-minute-ish podcasts I can download to learn Dutch. Originally it was created by a man to teach his girlfriend the language. Isn't that nice? What's even nicer is that it's useful for anyone. His pronunciation is very clear, and he repeats words often so you don't have to keep stopping and starting it.

Me, I've downloaded some lessons and practice while Ross is writing calligraphy. Doesn't our house sound like so much fun?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Grace and Ross
Yes your hourse sure does sound like it is fun. Now when you come back to Canada you will be good in two languages. We are in winter wonderland here in Fruitvale yek. Now is is raining lots and suppose to freeze as well that is not good. I have some days off from work and being sick with a very bad cold. Going to the doctors today to get something for it hopefully. Take care all my love form kathie and jake