Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Introducing Foxtrot

After 10 intense months of work culminating in a final two week push with 1/10 the healthy amount of sleep, I am finally finished the Type & Media course that I came here for.

The examination went exceptionally well for all the students and we are all ecstatic to be done and able to return to (semi) normal lives. At the same time, it's a bit sad to know it's over. We've all become incredibly good friends and the year far surpasses any of our expectations.

So, without further adieu, here is that mysterious project that I've been working so hard on for the past 4 months. My typeface is comprised of 10 corresponding weights that allow the designer to scale up in point size without affecting the stroke width of the letterforms. This means that the designer has more tools to create degrees of emphasis in a text. I also designed the upper/lower case with basic punctuation for an italic and heavy weight. Click the image for a bigger view.

This is the 2m x 1m poster presenting the typeface for the examination and exhibition. I had the idea that it should be an advertisement to sell something (inspired by certain 19th century ads I referenced throughout my project) so I decided to make the entire poster a personal ad. The text is comprised of my favourite things people were looking for in a man/woman as posted on the New York Times personal site and Craigslist.

And here is the character set showing all weights and styles:

That's it!


Jeff Werner said...

Does your typeface have a name?

3 Column Grid said...

Ross! You are amazing. :)

Your typeface is gorgeous, you should be very proud!


3 Column Grid said...

PS: How does one buy a license? ;)

Anonymous said...

ok. how much. I want to buy it.

God, my friends are talented! Isn't it wonderful? You did such a great job Ross. Congratulations I know you worked very hard and with lots of love. You and Grace are my little superstar designers.

xoxo. I still wish you were coming home though... BUT I'll let it slide this time.

Ginger said...

Beautiful Grace New Roman, Ross. I don't know what you've named it but I think I'll end up always referring to it as GNR. Kind of like how people refer to you as Ryan Gosling.

Congratulations to you and your friends over there. I only wish that you keep being great and lovely at what you do.