Sunday, July 13, 2008

Paris to Calgary in 24 hours

We flew out of Europe from Paris. In order to get to the airport in time, we had to spend one night in Paris. Obviously, we didn't complain. Weight is a huge issue when you're moving across an ocean. It is so expensive to bring your stuff, so you have to be certain that what you pack is worth it. We shipped three boxes, and then brought everything else on the plane.
Obviously, weight is a huge issue on a plane, too, so we used every last gram, without going over, and our carry-on bags were like bags of lead (cause the airlines never weigh those). Hauling around this crap was not easy. In fact, it was exhausting and we had to stop for breaks everywhere.

In Paris, we had to gets this stuff onto the metro. A major problem was the elevator was broken, and we had to get all this stuff down three flights of stairs into the depths of the earth. We had too much stuff, so Ross couldn't lift his huge suitcase, and my backpack was so heavy, I physically couldn't bend over without falling. In other words, we were like the epitome of tacky tourists. Ross had no choice but to drag his suitcase down the stairs.

Out of nowhere, this man picks up the suitcase to help us out. He must have seen the Canadian flag on my backpack, because he started talking to us (in French) about Canada. He didn't know any English, but I was able to determine that he was in Canada about 20 years ago, it snowed and he saw a grizzly bear. Every time he said "Grizzly" he would claw up his hands, hunch his shoulders and bear his teeth. This considerate stranger saved the day.

Paris was stinking hot. We weren't really prepared for it, but it was nice.

We walked through Luxembourg Gardens which is so, so nice. Everybody was just hanging out and enjoying the heat. Eventually we made our way to Napoleon's resting place. Not too shabby, Nap B.

Later we met up with Berton & Yuko, our friends from The Hague who were there with Berton's parents. We sat outdoors at a café, drank lots of French wine, and sadly said goodbye ... for now.

The next morning, we were homeward bound. I'm including this photo because I'm almost positive I left my wallet at this seat. :(

And then next thing you know we were in Calgary in all of it's pre-stampede glory. It was quite the shock. Literally we were in the fashion capital of the world one day, and then 9 hours later we witnessed a Western-wear fashion show. Surreal.

I think the expression on Ross' face says it all:


3 Column Grid said...

The look on Ross' face in that last picture... Heartbreaking.

Also, Jardin Luxembourg: Magical.

Megatron said...

Aww I feel sad for you guys. But then I laughed because Napoleon's tomb really does look like a loaf of bread. Poor little guy.