Sunday, January 27, 2008

Open Dag 2008

Yesterday was KABK's annual open house. I met up with Ross who was hanging out at the type & media studio. Students and staff were easy to spot with these bright yellow t-shirts with either K, A, or B on them.

KABK students , or fans of a certain Swedish pop band?

Here's some Type & Media students, hard at work.

When he's taking a break from foozball, this is where Ross works.

Open Dag's wayfinding.

Obviously we were interested in the undergrad grafisch ontwerp.

Overall I found the graphic design department to be very expressive compared to ECI's. The use of typography and printing techniques were varied and experimental. It was really interesting to see the strengths of another school's program. It made me think about the strengths of my education.

1 comment:

3 Column Grid said...

wow, much more expressive...

Amazing wayfinding!