Some of his classmates expressed interest in this sketchbook and asked me if I'd show them how to make books. After some easy organization, an informal bookbinding workshop took place yesterday in the Type & Media studio.
There were nine of us all together, and despite some of them partying too much the night before, they were great students.

Even Ross learned how to made his first (and last?) book.

Bookbinding involves many precise steps, and it's something that definitly takes a lot of practice. I've never really taught anyone how to do it before, so this was a new experience for me, too. I had to think about and articulate steps and processes I usually just do.

The Italian gals, working and playing.

When you bookbind, intensity is measured in millimeters.

The second half of the workshop takes place tomorrow night, when we will glue the book block into the cases (the pages to the cover). Stay tune for the amazing results.
Bookbinding makes you so hungry. It's true. Focusing on millimeters takes a lot of energy. So after the workshop we got lunch to-go and took advantage of the 14° weather.

Crocuses (croci?) are blooming everywhere, and the birds are singing.
Spring has sprung in The Hague.

This winter was a piece of cake.

Hi Grace and Ross
I sure love the last picture of you two together it is really a nice one. Does that mean spring is coming to Canada soon hopefully as this winter seems to be a long one. I guess your mom and dad will be there soon visiting you and will see our cousin June. Well better get some lunch take care working lots this week from kathie and jake
For true crocuses?? So nice! I can tell they aren't far away here either. Maybe 2 weeks! Grace you should write your own book about bookbinding. Of course then you'd have to give away all your secrets...
Well, maybe one day.
But as for right now, my biggest secret is that I don't really know what I'm doing.
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