Sunday, February 17, 2008

My valentijnsdag gift to Ross

As you can imagine, we've taken thousands of photos over the last six months. After awhile, they all start to look the same . . .


3 Column Grid said...


I'm lolling pretty hard right now. You guys are awesome. :D

Well done Grace!

Anonymous said...

HI Grace
I love the film it was good. I bet you cannot wait to see your parents and show them all the wonderful things that you and Ross have descovered over there. Working lots all my love from kathie and jake

Unknown said...

OMG. You two are two peas in a pod alright. Happy Birthday Ross, Happy V-Day to the two of you, and Happy 6 month! Only another 6 until I see you right? right?


Megatron said...

Oh Em Gee you two. That was freakin' adorable.