Sunday, October 7, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

I know you guys are feeling sorry for us because we don't have an oven, meaning we can't cook a turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and all that yummyness, but there's no need for pity: we managed to score an invite to a true-blue Canadian Thanksgiving dinner, hosted by our neighbors downstairs. We said yes faster than you can say tryptophan.

Our neighbor is Canadian (from Montreal), her husband American (Albany, NY), and they have a four year old daughter, and 5 month old twin babies (a boy and a girl). Also invited for dinner was another Canadian friend (from PEI) and her Dutch husband, so it was quite a smattering of people, all brought together by the love of gravy.

Obviously, it was great. As was the apple and pumpkin pie with ice cream. It was such a treat, and for that we are very thankful.


3 Column Grid said...

I'm so pleased you guys had a true thanksgiving. :D

I'd like to high-five your neighbors. Give them one for me!

Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving Grace and Ross. Glad you had a good one.Yes It think we all get nervous about interviews and think as you get older you never really get the hang of it.I am glad that you are enjoying the scenery.I had dinner at Greg and Susan's place with Susans parents and her brother and of course Emma who was life of the party.Had a wonderful time. SHe loved my buns I made take care much love from kathie and jake