Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We're Back!

Ross' Mom & Dad are currently visiting, and we were lucky enough to spend the weekend with them in Amsterdam with Brian (Ross' brother). It was my third and Ross' fourth time to Amsterdam, but we definitely got to see more of it than we have before.

Most of the time we were walking around and trying to avoid being run over by a cyclist, or else we were drinking coffee, beer or wine. In other words, we had a great time.

Amsterdam is so beautiful, it doesn't seem real. We went on an evening canal tour, saw the Van Gogh museum, went to the Anne Frank Huis (where Anne Frank was in hiding with her family during the WWII, and where she wrote her diary), ate at some wonderful restaurants. Other than that, we just wandered around and soaked it all in.

We randomly came across this typographer's studio. He warmly welcomed us inside and showed us around his incredibly cluttered studio, and we left with souvenirs (one we bought, and one we were given.)

It was a great weekend, with great company. This weekend we're going to Antwerp, and will again meet up with Ross' parents.


Anonymous said...

Grace and Ross
What wonderful pictures I am enjoying your blog lots and keeping busy with work and such. Enjoying the new job and the bosses are really nice and so are the co workers. take care keep up the good work on the blog much love from kathie and jake

Megatron said...

Are you sitting in a van in one of those photos? With beers? Like maybe a Volkswagon bus?

3 Column Grid said...

a) Ross' hair looks so great! So euro. It was only a matter of time...

b) In that first pic, you guys look tanned. Or is it just the filter?

c) The Family Milne is a handsome one.

d) HALLOWE'EN (well, the weekend before it) WAS AWESOME. We enjoyed it for you.

e) Our kitchen is painted! It's "cucumber".

f) Grace: please limit your interactions with gun-wielding maniacs to a minimum, k? (the european ones are ALWAYS the craziest)

g) Go on iChat once and awhile, will you? I need to kill time at work somehow. :D

Anonymous said...

That first photo there makes me miss you guys and everyone and school so much. This is the first time in these past 6 months I've felt that way, so I guess, thank you. Amsterdam looks amazing; I'm jealous. Sounds like avoiding helmet-less cyclists blazing down Ontario St is nothing compared to Amsterdam. Lovely photos!