Thursday, September 13, 2007

So far, so good.

Well, I had a job interview this morning at this place. I saw they were looking for an intern, so I called. The woman said they were also looking for a designer, and I should come by. So I did.

It was in a part of town I've never been to before. It was off of my map, so I gave myself plenty of time to get there, and peddled away. As I got closer, the area became increasingly industrial, and I became increasingly skeptical. Could there be a design firm in the midst of smoke stacks?

When I pulled up to the address, I was facing an old factory and thought for sure I was lost. Not only was I lost, I would now be late. I went around the building to the courtyard, and was surprised to see a handful of designer-y looking people setting up a photo shoot. It wasn't until I walked in the front doors that I realized I was for sure in the right place. This old factory had been given a second life as the host of a design community. It was kind of like a mall, kind of like a school, and entirely filled with creative studios, ranging from design, film, and multi-media. It was so cool! There was even a swanky cafeteria were everyone eats lunch together.

The interview went well, and I should know by the end of next week. I also heard back from another firm, but they said they're too busy to interview until next month. So, if worse comes to worse, I should have another interview then. In the meantime, I'm going to send them one of these:

These are my little portfolio giveaways (now in three different shades!) that I spent so long making before I left. Originally they were paperback, but after crossing the Atlantic jam-packed with the rest of everything we own, they arrived warped. I was so disappointed. Luckily I discovered a shop that sells book binding supplies--including book cloth every colour of the rainbow-- and I hardbound them. This also conveniently covered up my foolish typo of "Nederlandse"; it was the only Dutch word I had in the whole damn thing, and I spelled it wrong.

Hopefully it won't be too long before I get a job.


Anonymous said...

gracie, the books look quite elegant like yourself, i have to say. i also would like to inform you that reading your blog is the only daily routine i have committed myself to other than the inevitable biological duties... yes, duties...

Megatron said...

I don't think you actually spelled it wrong, you may have just used it in the wrong context. Nederlandse means Dutch, but it's descriptive. Like something is Nederlandse (being from the Netherlands). Does that make sense? Like Nederlandse kaas. Mmmm...