Sunday, September 9, 2007


This morning Ross & I went to the International Community Fair. It was held in the atrium of the City Hall (Stadhuis). It was a convention for Expats that introduces clubs, and services The Hague offers. It was kind of helpful, but was mostly aimed towards families that are relocating. There seemed to be a lot of Brits there.

Every time we tell someone what street we live on, they are very impressed. We think we must be in a really nice neighborhood (the Shaunessy of Den Haag, if you will), or something. This is really funny to us, because this apartment was less expensive than other ones we looked at. Who knew?

We were approached by some young me who wanted to interview us for a TV show for Expats called "What's Up!?" So Ross & I each took a turn in front of the camera answering questions like, "What's the worst Dutch food you've had since you've been here?" My answer for that was this package of cookies Ross & I bought at a grocery store that we thought was shortbread. When we opened it, it was crusty cinnamon toast.

We might even be able to see the show, since the random person who stopped by today was our Canadian neighbor from downstairs. She brought us some treats from the French bakery, and an old TV that they don't use anymore.

Last but not least, this is a sculpture outside of the Stadhuis. Isn't it weird? Every time I see it, I'm captivated by it's absurdity. You would never see this as public art in Vancouver.


3 Column Grid said...

I hope we get to see the episode!

Unknown said...

So, Im starting to see a trend here...Phil and Gill posts. Ahh well. Let me just say, that it seems to me you are having a wonderfully, interesting and strange time. That guy and his apartment? like nothing you could find anywhere else. Amazing. Keep taking those pictures!!! :)